Thursday, June 21, 2012

If all goes according to schedule....

I, with three other "girls," in less than an hour will be in a minivan headed to Orlando for The Gospel Coalition's Women's Conference (TGCW12).

We're counting on what some say is a 5 hour trip taking us more like 6-7 hours. Because of our bladders. In defense of one of the girls, she is 7 months pregnant.

I have no defense. I just have a teeny tiny bladder. And you can't expect a walnut to hold a gallon of fluid. Not this side of heaven anyway.

And if I'm not blaming the need for stops on my bladder, it is because of my back. Walking every now and then is better for keeping all things in alignment and out of kink.

We're looking forward to the trip. It seems like I've been preparing for this weekend since December. Seeing as how that is when I bought my ticket, that would be why. I'm looking forward to the speakers, to the music, and to the time with sisters in Christ.

And maybe even the pool.

If you're there, look for me. I look like the girl in the lighthouse picture. And I will be in line at the bathroom.


  1. Sounds like a fun trip and a wonderful conference time!

  2. Wishing I could have been there. Praying you'll have a wonderful and blessed time :)
