Monday, October 31, 2011

An annual fall ritual.....

occurs today: The Changing of the Sheets.

Our household enacts the summer sheets for summer days and winter sheets for winter days policy. Today is the changeover day. After we finish school this morning, the changeover will head up the list of afternoon activities. There is actually glee in the air. We've been putting off changeover day the last couple of weeks because the weather here, it likes to mess with our heads. And our temperatures. Just because we have a couple of days of temps in the 60's and evenings in the 40's, this does not guarantee that we will not return to temps in the 80's and evenings in the 60's.

So, we have endured by adding on extra blankets and wearing pajama pants instead of shorts, long sleeve t-shirts instead of short. But today is the day of changeover. The crisp cotton is coming off to be laundered and the cozy flannel is going on to be ready for tonight. The house was a brisk 58 degrees this morning (obviously we have not reached Turn On The Heat Day) and everyone was wishing for flannel sheets.

Today is the day. Giddy, I tell you. Because when fall finally does arrive, some of the sweating finally stops. Which is a good thing.

What are you doing for Monday?

1 comment:

  1. Oooh that inspires me for a Birthday gift for my littl chill bump. Thanks and enjoy!
