Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February, how art thou?....

Let me count the ways in a status report meme. Again, thanks to Lisa Writes.

Lying....down in the hospital bed. I'm almost to the 3 month mark which is when the bed goes away and the den can return to looking like a den and not so much like a convalescent home. Around 2:00 p.m. I try to lie down for a couple of hours so that I can get back up in second wind for evening activities.

Chewing....some weird bubble gum. Confiscated it out of a goodie bag belonging to a child of mine with sealants on his teeth. Although I'm regretting the decision about now.

Drinking.....water. To clear the funky bubble gum taste out of my mouth. the sounds of three boys playing basketball. Their father introduced them to the wonders of A Game Called Pig. And that's all we've heard since.

Pondering.....anew what the Almighty can do. His vastness, transcendence, immutability, holiness, glory. My Bible lesson today was on Isaiah 40:12-31. He knows each star by name and calls them to obey.

Reading.....the Debra Bell books on homeschooling. Good stuff right there whether you are new or veteran to homeschooling, the information and resources are recharging me where I feel weary and inspiring me where I felt empty. upcoming birthday party for an almost thirteen year old. There will now be two of them in this house. Thirteen year olds. Send sanity. Or chocolate.

Working.....on several different projects. Bible study. Decluttering. Writing. Menu planning. House re-arranging. Yogurt making. The -ings have it in keeping me busy these days.

Recovering.....from back surgery still pretty steadily. Grateful for every day that brings new physical strength.

Ending.....this status report because I'm out of things to say.

1 comment:

  1. Sanity and chocolate both--send them this way as well! With a 17 year old, a 15 year old AND a 13 year old, I need them both. And then some. And grace. Lots and lots of grace.
