Sunday, November 1, 2009

A month of thankfulness...

is starting today at Rebecca Writes. These are the details from Rebecca's site:

Here are three ways you can join in the thanksgiving. Feel free to participate as often as you like.

  • Mention something you’re thankful for in the comments here and I’ll include it in one of my thanksgiving posts, or

  • Email me to tell me what you’re thankful for and I’ll include it in a post, or

  • Post your thankful thought(s) on your own blog, send me the link(s), and I’ll link to your post(s). If you plan to make your thanksgiving posts daily during the month, let me know that and you won’t need to send me daily links.

This will be my first year to participate. These are the blog posts that I love to write and read--the witness of fellow believers about the glory and graciousness of the Lord.

For November 1st, I'm thankful for the gift of worship. This morning I will join with fellow believers and ascribe worth to God for His majesty and redemptive work. Hymns and psalms will be sung, Scripture will be read, the Word will be preached and His supper will be served. Body, soul and spirit will participate.

Humbled, convicted, repentant, His forgiveness will be given and received. Edified, His Word will instruct and fill with hope of perseverance. Sanctified, the week's struggle against sin will begin anew in confident faith that darkness has not overcome the Light of the World.

I am thankful for worship of the One True God.


  1. Amen, Elle.
    So glad you're participating, and I look forward to reading each of your posts. And thanks for your kind comment on my blog yesterday. It's good to be back.

  2. Such a great way to start a month of Thanksgiving! I agree - worship is an awesome gift that God gives us to give him.

  3. We were out of town and traveling yesterday and so we were not in church. Haven't missed church in I don't know how long and I can tell you--it felt so strange. I missed corporate worship so much!
