Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jeans at Old Navy...

are on sale this week for $10.00 a pair. That's kids' jeans mind you. So last night we headed out to the O.N. to dig through the piles and hopefully come up with three pair for our three guys. I mean, you just can't beat $10 jeans for boys. Boys who always need jeans for the stuff boys do.

Husband was with me, thank goodness, because after another long housebound day--my van is in the shop a.g.a.i.n.--I wasn't sure how much *potential* moaning and groaning I could endure. Without harming somebody.

On the way to the store I told the boys to be prepared to have to try on jeans. I told them to mentally fortify themselves for that instruction and understand with prior warning that the words, "Oh, great," would not be received well by me.

Once there, the finding of the jeans wasn't too hard. Although the stacks were fairly jumbled, we did successfully find the right sizes. Husband was even willing to do the running back and forth from stacks to dressing room while I sat in the dressing room and checked waist gappage, hem length, and seat baggage. I am not too proud, nor the boys too aware yet, that we can't buy slightly larger and roll up. "You'll grow into it," is a common refrain in our clothes buying process.

Jeans were tried on, fading timelines discussed and decisions made. The process actually went so well that I felt giddy enough to sniff around in the women's section for moi. Homeschooling moms do have a uniform you realize. It's called comfy clothes in our house.

A good portion of the women's clothes were either on clearance or some type of sale. My hopes began to rise. Then I saw the jean jacket I've been looking for the past three years. And it was on sale. The first one, the size I almost always wear in O.N.,  was too small. A little surprised but undeterred I simply went up one size. Chess was standing there with me when I put it on. It was really big, sleeves hanging past my fingertips. Seeing the look on my face, he cheerfully said, "Hey, Mom, you can grow into it."

Then, seeing the pained look on my face, he said, "Oh yeah, I forgot, you don't grow that way anymore."


*I did finally find my size. Apparently not every size medium jean jacket is equal in its mediumness. Now, if I just won't grow out of it.


  1. I love Old Navy...they supply my mommy uniform as well. Actually, they pretty much clothe the entire family! :)

  2. Ha! Love Chess's encouragement to you :0)
    I love it when a shopping trip with boys works out well...
    And about that last sentence...the story of my older life!!

  3. Your bravery in taking your boys shopping is admirable. Even more, letting them watch you shop for YOU, well, that is just plain CRAZY.

  4. I love a good jean jacket...been on the hunt for one myself!

  5. "mentally fortify themselves for that instruction"

    instantaneous bonding with you on that one woman. After the moaning and whining begin, I usually say something like:

    "I'm not asking you to clean cat poop, I'm asking you to put on an item of clothing. Would you rather clean cat poop? Cause I can work that out."

    Congrats on the jacket. May it live a long life under your care.

  6. Thanks for the heads up... we picked up a few pairs for the kids last night. Going through the dressing room ordeal made me miss just picking stuff up off the clearance rack at Target knowing I could safely assume they would fit.
