Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

It's been a full day of unwrapping & exclaiming, whooping & hollering, thanking & hugging! What a great day!

I remember being sad as a teenager thinking that Christmas for me as an adult would never be as exciting as it had been for me as a child because my parents went to great lengths to make the whole day magical. I never thought I could replicate that magic. But as a parent now, albeit with some different traditions of Christmas, there is still something quite incredible in seeing my sons experience the excitement and pleasure in receiving and opening and enjoying gifts. The morning started with Happy Birthday, Jesus and just increased in tempo from there.

I love to see their joyful faces & hear the excited shouts of discovery. And of particular delight to me is how Christmas thankfulness shortcuts any usual sibling quarreling or discontent. That may come tomorrow and will be dealt with accordingly.

But for today, it was just plain merry--to have family all around, to hear laughter and to see smiles--what a terrific gift!

I hope that your Christmas was merry as well! All hail, the Savior is born!

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