Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thankful Thursday....

well, I haven't done one of these posts in a great long bit. Today is as good as any to get back into the swing.

I'm thankful for the uber comfy scrub pants that I'm wearing. I've been admiring my friend's pair for some time now. I finally asked her yesterday where she got them and while she didn't remember that, she handed me one of hers. I may never wear any other pants again.

I'm thankful for the season of life we're in with the boys right now, particularly the older two. They are involved in youth group and enjoy telling us about what happens at the meetings. Their comments crack me up and make me thankful that we worked first on building family relationships before having them involved in these type of peer relationships. I'm thankful for the foundation God has given us.

I'm thankful that finally it seems that summer is gone from Hotter Than, GA. After weeks of 80-90 degree temps, I can breathe again in these 60's and 70's. And I'm certainly happier for it to get colder than that.

I'm thankful that because it is colder the era of soups is upon us. A big pot of corn crab chowder is marrying its flavors for service tonight. My stomach anticipates much gratitude.

I'm thankful that we are getting together with new friends this weekend. I look forward to how God is bringing in new relationships and blessings through His people.


  1. The era of soups---I welcome it too. As a matter of fact, I made a big pot of soup for lunch. Such luxury.

  2. I second soups as well as comfortable pants. Good heavens, I must be getting old.
