Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday thrivings...

for teens to be.

Just returned from our pediatrician's office. I should have wagered on the boys' growth. I keep telling people that the meals and general pantry items are disappearing way too fast around here. Unless it's the chocolate peanut butter, dark or white, it is definitely not me eating it.

Chess has grown 3 1/2 inches in the last 12 months and put on right over 20 lbs. Muscle from the looks of him. He helped pick up our sleeper sofa yesterday and moved it into the hallway. The old time sleeper sofa with bed rails of iron you realize. I danced around reminding him to lift with his knees.

Because I am my mother.

Pele has grown 2 1/2 inches in the same time frame and put on right under 20 lbs. I don't know where he has put it. We're still telling the hollow legs theory because that guy is nothing but six packed lean. His growth next to Chess's shoot up growth has been more difficult to observe, but it is definitely there.

Now, I'm off to buy 1 inch heeled flip flops so I can remain taller and still summer fashioned.

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