Monday, December 21, 2009

Leisure is not always...

my friend. And Christmas break can feel a bit stifling to my usual rhythm of being. As a Bible teacher not many of my regular days are leisure days. As a homeschooling, stay at home mom, not many of my regular days are leisure days. Christmas break involves not many regular days and this weird collision of insanely busy days with insanely inactive days.

Resulting in an ugly collision of choosing human feelings over Biblical facts as my filter for living. Sure, getting up every day and keeping my nose in the Word of God is the best cure for that. But the lure of leisurely mornings not having to rush to schooling keeps me cuddled up. But the lure of 12 extra days to prepare the Bible lesson keeps me entertained in front of junk food food shows on television. But the laxity of schedule with Husband's work keeps me engaged in individual pursuits.

But, but, but. Enough "buts" there for a goat. Or for being a goat instead of a sheep. Which is more like my general disposition right now. Meh....

During the insanely busy days I wonder with discontent about how nice it would be to have an hour to sit down and do nothing. During the insanely inactive days I wonder with discontent about how nice it would be to have an hour of productivity. The problem is obviously not the insane, the busy, or the inactive. The problem is a discontent heart not engaged in doing, whether at full throttle or quiet work, the will of God.

To find contentment no matter whether I am decorating the 11th batch of cappucino flats or filing my broken nail or wrapping the 23rd present or reading my third mystery is the work at which this heart should always be active. Walking away from His will to mine will not bring the satisfaction of rest.

His rest He came to give, and His rest I want above this world's manufactured version. The gift of Christmas will not be in the break, but in the break from the world's offerings for God the Father's sweetest offering--pure grace, pure love, pure truth, embodied in Christ alone.

Whether I'm insanely busy or insanely inactive, let my spirit only rest, and only take its break from striving, in the gift of God.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Elle!
    A very Merry Christmas to your and yours!! Hope you all will feel the joy, joy, joy, joy, down in your hearts! :0)
