Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thankful for Husband...

and mindful of how God has blessed me through him describes my thoughts. Husband and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary in August.

While dating, he told me of his thoughts as a young man regarding the qualities he wanted in a wife. Stunned, I said nothing because I had no similar story to share. I had not ever thought about who I would marry. I had gone to college scorning the girls enrolled for their M.R.S. I did not want to get married. I wanted a career.

I liked boys. They were great entertainment. They were some of my best friends. But, my idea of marriage involved sacrifice for another's interests in the name of commitment, and I was not interested in either sacrifice or commitment. I exalted personal will over virtually everything.

While God had changed my heart dramatically towards sacrifice and commitment through personal spiritual growth, I had still not created any sort of qualities list.

This is my offered observation better late than never:

Serves and worships the Most High God in his work, his family, and his personal interactions even when the service and worship cost him the world's affection.

Willing and able to make hard choices in his work, his family and his personal interactions even when those decisions cost him others' affection.

Quick to laugh with those he loves and even quicker to look for opportunities to bring them laughter.

Slow to anger with those he loves and those who have declared themselves enemies because he trusts in the work of God above his own efforts.

Aware that his personal spiritual growth cannot be taken for granted and that his sanctification is all sorts of humbling.

Grateful for what God has given, what God has taken away and what God is continuing to do to completion, though he recognizes that his gratitude is incomplete.

Imperfect in all he does and persistent that God is at work perfecting.

I'm grateful for my Husband, the man God gave for me to marry.

This post is participating in Rebecca Writes Month of Thankfulness. Join us at her blog and be thankful too.


  1. I love this post, Elle. It is a marvelous thing to truly thank God for the spouse He gave us. It honors the Giver most of all.

  2. Hi Elle,

    Well, I can tell I've been doing most of my blog reading in my google reader! Love the 'new to me' look of your blog! It's lovely!

    I'm so thankful for my husband, too. He prefers that I don't blog about him so I respect that, but your post (and Dorothy's and Rosemary's) has reminded me to give thanks, again, for my own reticent husband!

  3. Elle,

    Such a wonderful tribute to your husband.

    Thanks for pointing me over to Rebecca Writes for this carnival!

  4. Enrolled for their M.R.S. Chuckle, chuckle.

    And, thank you for this tribute to your man.

  5. It's a joy to read your thanks to God for your husband, a marvelous gift to you from His hand.
