Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The house is quiet...

the coffee just beeped its finishing tones. iTunes is open on my desktop as my very short nails click through this posting.

Lunch was a bowl of tomatoes with mozzarella cheese drizzled with olive oil and seasoned with Jane's Mixed Up Crazy Salt. Bagel crisps on the side.

I didn't have to cut up carrots for anyone.

I watched The Prestige, a movie about magicians obsessed. I enjoyed the hot oil popcorn immensely.

Now it's back to studying the last part of Deuteronomy. These are the vignettes of a day home alone.


  1. You liked the popcorn; did you like the movie?

  2. The movie was full of plot twists, turns and flashback mysteries. The best part to me was the portrayal of man's obsession and how it completely blinds perspective. A cultural comment, no less.
