Monday, January 26, 2009

Writing exercises for boys...

is an area where I am constantly seeking suggestions. Just because I love to write, ergo, the blog, I recognize that my sons may need the extra bit of encouragement. I want my sons to love to write like they love to read, but if not, they still need to be able to write well.

Thinking up topics that do not bore us all to tears is a challenge. Oftentimes, my assignment to them for writing is met with groans and whimpers. Followed by a debate over how many paragraphs and how many lines does each paragraph have to contain. And so on.

Frustration kicks in and I temperamentally assign a 7 paragraph essay on scrambled eggs. Genius homeschooling right there. In writing.

So I was thrilled when a blog I follow, Substantive Education, started a series on Writing Exercises. Kelly is a veteran homeschooler, mom to 4 grown boys, and I love her philosophy for education. I've been working through the writing exercises with my boys, respective to their ages, and they LOVE THEM! In fact, they are actually requesting to do "writing exercises".

I'm thrilled, in every literal, figurative and metaphorical way. Thrilled.

So here's my shout out to a great resource for homeschooling moms.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much, and I'm going to share your Tickle Me Elmo metaphor with my writing class.
